Category: Evangelism and Soul winning
The Urgency of soul winning
PMG 072 It’s foolishness not to go out for soul winning. When you don’t go out, you are acting against your nature. As Mark 16:15 says, “Go ye into all the world, not some part.” Practically speaking, the Lord has given you the entire globe. Preach to every creature – cats, dogs, and every creature.… Read more
3 Important Facts for a soul winner
Clarity You must have clarity on what you are sharing. You cannot share the gospel when you have not understood the message (Matthew 28:19). You cannot teach until you are taught. Soul winners must be taught, and every teacher has a teacher. The destination of an unsaved person is not hell, but the lake of… Read more
The Ministry of Reconciliation: How to Win Souls and Disciple Others
Introduction Evangelism refers to reaching someone else with the message that you have believed and which changed your life, with the intention that it will change their life also.We often refer to this as “Soul Winning”. However our Man of God made a powerful explanation that what many do amounts to “Soul Saving” but what… Read more
The New Creature in Christ: Understanding Your Identity and Nature
INTRODUCTION The term “new creature” is directly from scriptures (2 Cor 5:17), and describes the new man in Christ, that is, one who is born again. This new creature has a new life and therefore a new nature. This class will discuss some of the implications and realities of this. And by the end every… Read more