Foundation School


About foundation school

The ministry came up with foundation School Program (FSP) aimed at establishing  and giving a firm foundation to the ministry members both old and new as well as leaders at different levels. It presents a platform to learn and ask questions about the basic principles/foundational truths as new believers, members and leaders.

Foundation class is the first stage of teaching; they are other platforms like patria movement, YDD chapter meetings and trainings, Sunday services, etc. Thefore, foundation class program aims at teaching you the basic foundational truths that you need to go to another level in Christianity.

All believers (Both new and old) in the ministry (ZKM) ought to go through for purposes of consistence and establishment in the knowledge and the doctrine of the ministry

Objectives of the FS

  1. To enlighten the new believers (participants) about eternal life and how they can take advantage to live an effective and fulfilling Christian life while impacting nations. This includes teaching them about Christian character & living which are necessary to be exemplary to others.
  2. Introduce members to the ministry of the Holy Spirit in and through them.
  3. Introduce member to basic principles for spiritual growth such as soul winning, baptism, giving, prayer & fasting etc.
  4. To introduce members to the call of raising disciples, mentoring them and training leaders. Mathew 28.19
  5. To introduce members to ZKM, serving and leadership in the ministry.

What to expect from the school

You expect to learn more your New life in Christ (Galatians 4.1-7) i.e eternal life and kingdom culture which requires renewing your mind (Ephesians 4.17-24); studying about the Holy Spirit; important doctrines important for you growth and effective and fulfilling Christian life such as baptism, fasting, payers etc.; and, the place of a local church or local assembly such as why you need to go to church, why do you need fellow believers, the ministry (ZKM) and serving in any of the departments of the ZKM.

Who is qualified to join?

Target group is the new believers, new ministry members (visitors), Patria Members/leaders, YDD chapter members/ all leaders at different levels.

It desirable that you are already born again to take full advantage of the teachings in the foundation class as they apply to you better when you are born again. In cases where you are not born again at the time, then you are presented an opportunity to be born again before taking on the class.

Why enroll?

  • It is a platform for growth into a full experience of salvation (Galatians 4.1-3).From a children (John 1.12) to sonship (Galatians 4.7) to Heirs (Verse 7). 1 peter 1.2-As new born babies.
  • It is an orientation program into the family of God and how to live in the new kingdom or family of believers given that you were previously belonging to the kingdom of darkness; so when you come into the kingdom you need an orientation on how to live & conduct yourself, talk, learning a new culture..
  • It is also a platform where you are given an opportunity to ask questions concerning any spiritual matters.
  • We believe that by the time you are done with the class, you will be able to teach and guide others in spiritual matters.
  • Teaching transfers ability to live to the full Christian life and to become leaders. (Colossians 1.28)
  • Learning more about your identity in Christ…Ephesians 4.17 – 24.

When to sign up?

When you have just got born again, then it is the right time to join the foundation class; but also they are those who got born again years ago but they were not oriented, and thus need to do the class.