Patria Movement

About patria movement

Ephesians 3:14-15 “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,”

A Patria Movement is a family on a mission (Christ‟s mission). It is the basic Fellowship and Outreach Unit of the Church. It provides an avenue for soul winning by the members and soul development of the members.
The Patria Movement constantly grows through the addition of more members by evangelism, and therefore constantly produces new Patria Movement. The Patria Movement belongs to the Church and is connected to the Church

The primary purpose of a Patria Movement is growth. If a Patria Movement is not growing, it is not functioning. So the activities of a Patria Movement are not meant to be an end in themselves but aimed to produce growth of each member, addition of members and consequently, multiplication of the Patria Movement.
It is a righteous expectation that every Patria Movement, without exception, should grow and reproduce itself in a short matter of time.
When the Patria Movement System is applied, unstoppable growth will occur.

Activities that happen in a patria movement

  1. Prayer
  2. Protection of Members
  3. Learning the word
  4. Love and Pastoral Care
  5. Evangelism to the Patria Movement‟s defined catchment and Outreaches to same or regions beyond
  6. Addition of New Members
  7. Visitations
  8. Follow-up, Retention and Recovery (as required)
  9. Nurturing and Training of members
  10. Member Assignments and Responsibilities
  11. Growth and Multiplication
  12. Leadership Development and Mentoring
  13. Supply of Leadership to the Church
  14. Effecting Instructions from the Pastor to every Member
  15. Demonstration of Love to one another and Christian Maturity
  16. Celebrations
  17. Support in times of Need

Summary of the patria movement system structure

  1. Every Patria Movement meets once a Week. Every meeting should have first timers (won and invited by the members). The meeting is termed as Patria Movement Gathering (PMG)
  2. Patria Movement Leaders meet with the Pastor every Week, so there is proper guidance, training and direction for every Patria Movement. This is done through the set structures
  3. Meetings usually take place in a conducive Venue outside the Church premises, that allows the Meeting to be accessible to the unconverted also
  4. Every Patria Movement has Officials chosen from among the members, namely the Patria Movement Leader, Nucleus Leader(s) and PM Executives (such as PM Secretary, Venue Officer/ Host). These positions are occupied by members of the PM, and provide valuable opportunity for leadership training and development.
  5. Every member of the Patria Movement attends the Meetings and brings new members or converts to every Meeting. This is a key privilege of every member. The honour of winning and bringing new members to the Patria Movement
  6. Patria Movement Reports are submitted to the Church every Week so that all activities and happenings in the Patria Movement are well received and attended by the Pastor, as required.

How do i join a PM & which PM do i join?

In most Churches, we have different Patria Movement Types to fit the diverse demographics of the Church Members, and new converts being won to the Church.
So, we have Patria Movement that are organized along age groups, vocations, geographical location, residential or other special considerations.
The objective of the different types is to ensure maximum care, growth for the members and ability to reach and nurture new converts.
As a new member, you can join a Patria Movement in the following ways:

If you came to the Church directly, and not through a Patria Movement, then the Pastor or his/her designated Official will put you in a Patria Movement best suited for your participation, growth and development

Join the Patria Movement of the Church Member who won you to his/her Patria Movement Meeting and brought you to the Church

Important facts about the patria movement


The Patria Movement is a strategy of the Spirit given to us by our Man of God.


The Patria Movement provides a tested, proven and scripturally based Roadmap to win new converts, build them, and send them.


The Patria Movement is not one of the programs of the Church, it is how the Church grows via the growth and development of every member. Our Pastor and President is the leader of the Patria Movement. He hosts all Patria Movement Leaders across the Ministry to Bi-annual Summits to sharpen, impart and equip; and is also the custodian of the Patria Movement Manual and Host of the Weekly broadcast used by every Patria Movement in the ZKM Nation.


The Patria Movement is not optional. There is no substitute to it. The advantage and benefits it is designed to deliver to the member cannot be obtained in any other way. The Patria Movement is necessary for the orderly and stable growth of the Christian.


The Patria Movement is the same across all our Churches in the Zoe Kingdom Nation. There are no versions. The Patria Movement in every Church is the same Patria Movement, it works.


The Patria Movement transcends the peculiarity of any Individual, Location or Human systems because it is of God, and has overcome all barriers. When properly executed, the Patria Movement produces predictable results of growth and maturity in the Members.


The Patria Movement ensures no member is left behind in the Church. It is a master strategy for ensuring every member is known, well cared for and looked after. It is an effective System that guarantees that every member receives adequate Pastoral Care, however large the Church is.


The Patria Movement provides every member an effective platform to develop and express their Christianity and render service to the Church and to their world.


Participation in and development through the Patria Movement is a pre-requisite for a member to be considered for leadership responsibilities in the Church.


Patria movement is designed to produce continuous growth through the multiplication of Cells. It doesn’t allow stagnancy.


The Patria Movement System is God‟s advantage and recipe for your orderly development as a Christian. Your participation is a testimony of wisdom and humility. Wisdom in trusting your Pastor who said this is what you need, and humility in yielding to the Holy Spirit who gave us the Strategy.

The Patria Movement has produced multitudes of leaders across every level in our great Nation, has never failed and will not fail with you.
Give yourself to it fully, enjoy it, rejoice in it, be grateful for it, and contribute to it. (1 Cor 15:58)

patria movement gatherings


We have four kinds of patria movement gathering so far in Zoe Kingdom Ministries, as shown below

Children’s PMG


Teens PMG


Adults PMG


Marrieds’ PMG
